A Case of Glaucoma

Q- A 56-year-old woman is found to have elevated intraocular pressure during a routine eye examination. Examination also reveals normal optic disc and open angle of the eye. Her doctor explains to her that her condition is probably due to increased secretion of aqueous fluid. This fluid is produced by which of the following structures?

A- Endothelial cells of the cornea

B- Epithelial cells of the ciliary body

C- Epithelia cells of the cornea

D- Epithelial cells of the retina

B- Epithelial cells of the ciliary body- It is only source of aqueous fluid which flows inside the chambers of the eye and leaves through canal of Schlemm.

Q- The vitreous chamber of the eye is located between which of the following structures of the eye?

A-The cornea and the iris

B- The cornea and the retina

C- The iris and the lens

D- The lens and the retina

D- The lens and the retina- This is the correct answer. A is the anterior chamber and C is the posterior chamber.

Q- Which of the following drugs is beneficial in treatment of glaucoma through increased outflow of aqueous fluid by causing contraction of ciliary muscle?

A- Alpha agonists

B- Beta blockers

C- Cholinomimetics

D- Diuretics

C- Cholinomimetics- Other drugs decrease the secretion of aqueous fluid and alpha agonists increase the outflow but by a different mechanism.

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