Repeated USMLE Questions Step 1- Review- 382

Q- Which one of the following anti-arrhythmic drugs may lead the development of torsade de pointes at therapeutic doses?

A- Adenosine

B- Lidocaine

C- Propranolol

D- Quinidine

D- Quinidine- Its use is very strict due to this fatal side effect.

Q- A group of researchers investigate the effect of daily intake of baby aspirin on the development of coronary artery diseases. They are observing two groups of people divided according to intake of aspirin or not and how many develop CHD on each group. The results are listed on a chart. Which of the following is the correct measure to make an assumption?

A- Odds ratio

B- Positive predictive value

C- Relative risk

D- Specificity

C- Relative risk- This research is prospective, observational study. Odds ratio is used in retrospective, case control study. Others are distractions.

Q- Which one of the following tests is performed to determine if a fetus develops hemolytic disease of the newborn?

A- Direct Coombs test

B- Hemoglobin electrophoresis

C- Osmotic fragility test

D- Radioimmunoassay

A-Direct Coombs test- Erythrocytes of the baby will be coated with maternal anti-Rh antibodies. Agglutination will result from adding Coombs serum to the blood of the fetus.

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