Pharmacology MCQs- 254

Q- Which one of the following glucocorticoids can cause sodium and water retention?

A- Betamethasone

B- Cortisol

C- Dexamethasone

D- Triamcinolone

B- Cortisol

Q- Which one of the following drugs acts mainly by blocking the synthesis of leukotrienes?

A -Cromolyn

B- Ipratropium

C- Montelukast

D- Zileuton

D- Zileuton

Q- Which of the following controls the secretion of thyrotropin?

A- Concentration of iodine in the thyroid gland

B- Concentration of thyroid hormones in the blood

C- Concentration of thyroid hormones in the thyroid gland

D- Concentration of thyrotropin in the pituitary gland

B- Concentration of thyroid hormone in the blood

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