Repeated USMLE Questions Step 2 CK- 445

Q- Which of the following is the classic electrocardiogram (ECG) finding in atrial flutter?

A- Diffuse S-T segment elevation

B- Sawtooth P waves

C- S-T segment elevation in leads II. III and aVF

D- S-T segment elevation in anterior leads (V1-V4)

B- Sawtooth P waves

Q- Which of the following is the classic electrocardiogram (ECG) finding in pericarditis?

A- Diffuse S-T segment elevation

B- Sawtooth P waves

C- S-T segment elevation in leads II. III and aVF

D- S-T segment elevation in anterior leads (V1-V4)

A- Diffuse S-T segment elevation

Q- Which of the following is the classic electrocardiogram (ECG) finding in inferior myocardial infarction (MI)?

A- Diffuse S-T segment elevation

B- Sawtooth P waves

C- S-T segment elevation in leads II. III and aVF

D- S-T segment elevation in anterior leads (V1-V4)

C- S-T segment elevation in leads II. III and aVF

4 thoughts on “Repeated USMLE Questions Step 2 CK- 445”

  1. Thank you so much, Dr. Deepika. I really appreciate your feedback.

  2. Very useful

  3. Thank you Dr. Alemu

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