Pharmacology MCQs- 243

Q- Which one of the following antihypertensive medications is appropriate to use for an asthmatic patient?

A- Labetalol

B- Metoprolol

C- Propranolol

D- Timolol

B- Metoprolol

Q- Which one of the following neurologic drugs can cause diplopia, thickened gums and hirsutism?

A- Carbamazepine

B- Phenobarbital

C- Phenytoin

D- Valproic acid

C- Phenytoin

Q- Which of the following treatments should be used in cases of methanol or ethylene glycol poisoning?

A- Ethanol

B- Glucagon

C- Pyridoxine

D- Sodium bicarbonate

A- Ethanol

6 thoughts on “Pharmacology MCQs- 243”

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