Pharmacology MCQs- 245

Q- Which one of the following defines the drug efficacy?

A- The capacity a drug to affect a condition irrespective of the dose

B- The dose of a drug needed to produce a maximal effect

C- The impact of the drug on a wide range of patients

D- The minimal amount of drug administered that leads to toxicity

A- The capacity a drug to affect a condition irrespective of the dose

Q- Which one of the following indicates drug resistance?

A- Altered effect of the drug when used with another drug

B- Induction of liver metabolism

C- No or minimum effect on a microorganism due to genetic mutation

D- Response to a drug decreases after repeated use

C- No or minimum effect on a microorganism due to genetic mutation

Q- Which one of the following drugs is most likely to cause severe bone marrow depression?

A- Cyclosporine

B- Prednisone

C- Sirolimus

D- Tacrolimus

C- Sirolimus

1 thought on “Pharmacology MCQs- 245”

  1. Very helpful revision questions. Much thanks Dr ray makar

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