Pharmacology MCQs- 291

Q- A 58-year-old man takes verapamil for hypertension and angina. Which of the following is a common adverse effect of high dose of this drug?

A- Constipation

B- Diarrhea

C- Hyperglycemia

D- Sexual dysfunction

A- Constipation- This is a common side effect of calcium channel blockers and could be dose limiting. Other side effects are hypotension, bradycardia and peripheral edema.

Q- Which of the following drugs improves skeletal muscle spasm by acting inside the muscle cell?

A- Botulinum toxin

B- Dantrolene

C- Diazepam

D- Tubocurarine

B- Dantrolene- It reduces calcium release from sarcoplasmic reticulum. A acts on cholinergic nerve endings. C acts on the brain and spinal cord while D acts on neuromuscular junction.

Q- Which one of the following drugs may cause parkinsonism-like adverse effect?

A- Clozapine

B- Haloperidol

C- Olanzapine

D- Quetiapine

B- Haloperidol- although it is a potent and effective antipsychotic, it also have a lot of side effects such as parkinsonism-like effects. Others are atypical antipsychotics with less side effects.

10 thoughts on “Pharmacology MCQs- 291”

  1. Joseph, I am glad you shared your feedback. I hope the best for you in your medical path. Thank you and have a great day.

  2. I am a medical student who got introduced to pharmacology recently, it’s so tough for me

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  4. grateful for this site
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    Keep it up plz

  5. Thank you Dr Joseph. I hope these questions help you and other doctors and medical students through your medical journey.

  6. Wow set of good educative questions

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  9. Thank you. I am glad you like these questions. I hope they help you in your medical journey.

  10. Knowledge is power other wise good questions

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