Repeated USMLE Questions Step 2 CK- Review- 17

Q- A 51-year-old woman presents with a hard, painless, non-tender left breast mass. Which of the following is the next step of action?

A- Bone scan

B- BRCA testing

C- FNA biopsy

D- Ultrasound

C- FNA biopsy- It is the first test to perform to exclude or confirm breast cancer. Other tests on the list could be performed later on the course of management.

Q- A patient presents with chronic cough and dyspnea on exertion. Examination reveals lung crackles, loud P2 heart sound and clubbing of the fingers. The patient tells you that he works in an electronic manufacture.

Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

A- Asbestosis

B- Berylliosis

C- Byssinosis

D- Silicosis

B- Berylliosis- This is a case of work-related fibrosis of the lung. This lesion is related to electronic manufacture. Silicosis is related to sandblasting and rock mining. Byssinosis is related to cotton exposure while asbestosis is related to shipyard, pipe fitting and insulators.

Q- Which one of the following tests is the best initial test to evaluate ejection fraction is a case of congestive heart failure?

A- Holter monitor

B- Nuclear ventriculography

C- Transesophageal echocardiography

D- Transthoracic echocardiography

D- Transthoracic echocardiography- It is the best initial test. Nuclear ventriculography is the most accurate test but not the initial. TEE is more accurate in evaluating cardiac valve function and diameter.

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9 thoughts on “Repeated USMLE Questions Step 2 CK- Review- 17”

  1. Thanks for all you do..Please how can I have access to question banks

  2. Thank you Dr. Aman. Have a happy new year with great success.

  3. Thank you doctor

  4. I am glad you enjoyed it Dr. Sunil. I wish you the best in your medical career. Thank you so much

  5. I am glad that I am helping you. Thanks so much Dr Mohamed and I wish you the best in your medical career.

  6. I realy appreciate your helping to me
    Thank you so much

  7. Thank you. I hope it helps you in the boards.

  8. It is nice presentaion keep it up

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