Repeated USMLE Questions- Pharmacology- 271


Q- Which one of the following medications has a significant alpha-adrenergic blocking activity?

A- Chlorpromazine

B- Clozapine

C- Haloperidol

D- Risperidone

A- Chlorpromazine


Q- Which of the following effects is caused by alcohol intake?

A- Decreased body heat loss

B- Increased body heat loss

C- Increased body temperature

D- No effect on body temperature or body heat loss

B- Increased body heat loss


Q- Which of the following medications is considered a selective beta-1 adrenergic agonist?

A- Amrinone

B- Dobutamine

C- Dopamine

D- Prazosin

B- Dobutamine

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2 thoughts on “Repeated USMLE Questions- Pharmacology- 271”

  1. They are ABB. Thanks for answering the questions. Have the best of luck.

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