Repeated USMLE Questions Step 1- Review- 101

Q- What dose (in mg) of a drug that distributes into total body water is required to achieve an initial plasma concentration of 4 mg/L in a patient weighing 70 kg?

A- 16 mg

B- 28 mg

C- 168 mg

D- 280 mg

C- 168 mg- First, we calculate the total body water volume then, we calculate the dose.

Total Body Water=𝑉𝑑×𝐵𝑊

Total Body Water=0.6 L/kg×70 kg

Total Body Water=42

𝐷𝑜𝑠𝑒=4 mg/L×42 L

𝐷𝑜𝑠𝑒=168 mg


Q- Which diagnosis is most likely for a heterosexual man, aged 30, who frequently cross-dresses for sexual arousal but remains satisfied with his biological gender?

A- Exhibitionistic disorder

B- Gender dysphoria

C- Transvestic disorder

D- Voyeuristic disorder

C- Transvestic disorder- This disorder involves recurrent and intense sexual arousal from cross-dressing, causing distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. It’s characterized by the desire to dress as the opposite gender for sexual excitement, without a desire to change one’s biological gender.


Q- You have 2 containers one has a sample of serum and the other has a sample of plasma. Which one of the following substances would specify the sample of plasma?

A- Erythrocytes

B- Fibrinogen

C- Granulocytes

D- Serotonin

B- Fibrinogen- Plasma is the liquid portion of blood that remains after the blood has been allowed to clot and the clot has been removed. It contains clotting factors such as fibrinogen. Serum, on the other hand, is the liquid portion of blood that remains after clotting has occurred but without the clotting factors.

Therefore, the presence of fibrinogen in the sample would specify that it is plasma. Erythrocytes, granulocytes, and serotonin are not exclusive to plasma and can be found in both plasma and serum samples.


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