USMLE Sample Test Questions Step 1- 2024- 5

I am going to answer the sample USMLE Step 1 Questions with Explanation. These questions are available at A 5-year-old girl is brought to the emergency department because of a 2-day history of fever, urinary urgency, and burning pain with urination. She has had four similar episodes during the past year. A diagnosis of … Read more

Repeated USMLE Questions Step 1- Review- 86

Q- Which one of the following nerves is affected in a patient diagnosed with tarsal tunnel syndrome? A- Common peroneal nerve B- Deep fibular nerve C- Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve D- Tibial nerve Q- Phenylketonuria occurs due to deficiency of which one of the following enzymes? A- Dopamine B-hydroxylase B- Phenylalanine decarboxylase C- Phenylalanine hydroxylase … Read more

Anatomy MCQs- 7

Q- Which one of the following joints is the only articulation between the upper limb and the trunk? A- Acromioclavicular joint B- Coracoclavicular joint C- Glenohumeral joint D- Sternoclavicular joint Q- A patient is diagnosed with posterior dislocation of the hip. Which one of the following ligaments is most likely torn? A- Iliofemoral ligament B- … Read more

Repeated USMLE Questions Step 1- Anatomy MCQs- 5

Q- During development, hypothalamus arises from which one of the following structures? A- Diencephalon B- Mesencephalon C- Metencephalon D- Telencephalon Q- Which one of the following muscles is most likely at risk due to injury of the pelvic floor during delivery of a large-size baby? A- Coccygeus B- Iliococcygeus C- Pubococcygeus Q- Which one of … Read more

Repeated USMLE Questions- A Case of Atelectasis

Q- A 5-year-old boy is brought to the emergency room for cough and trouble breathing. His parents mention that he was playing with some coins a short time ago. The coin is most likely lodged in which of the following lobar bronchi? A- Left middle lobar bronchus B- Left superior lobar bronchus C- Right middle … Read more